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More Undead

>> 7.7.09

Last quarter a couple of my friends gave me another opportunity to shoot the undead. My second one in a row...not that I'm complaining. It gave me a chance to play with some new Photoshop techniques.

The concept behind this one was all those old-tyme horror movies. You know Frankenstein, Dracula, all those fun guys. I took pictures for their Senior performance as Theatre majors. The piece was conceived, written and put together by the cast. The title: Frankenstein Unstitched.

This was a hard one to shoot. Being a student, my equipment is rather make-shift and my lighting equipment is even more lacking. Like I said though, I'm not complaining. It gave me a chance to try some new things. So how did I compensate for that rough lighting? Monopod to steady my shots, and a hot shoe light wrapped with a coffee filter to diffuse the light. It wasn't much but it helped.

I had the added benefit of being able to Photoshop the heck out of them. We were going for an old movie feel so I played with contrast, noise and color to acheive that. (And of course a lens vignette here and there).


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